ASEAN DAY 2015 - ASEAN Voice Year 2 Contest Guidelines

ASEAN Voice 2014 1st Runner-Up (Junior Category) from
Bangrakam Wittaya Suksa School
On its Year 2 edition, ASEAN Voice will have slight changes from the first year edition. Please read on and be guided accordingly. 


1. Every participating school must have two contestants – one (1) Junior High School and one (1) Senior High School and must prepare one song each for the contest. Medley arrangement is not allowed.

2. The song for the contest may be originally performed by ASEAN local artists or international singers provided that the song is in ENGLISH

3. The contestant has to prepare a recorded music for the performance. Guitar or any live accompaniment is not allowed.

4. The Criteria for Judging are as follows:

·         Vocal Quality, Range, Flexibility                                                                               - 50%
·         Mastery, Performance Technique, Confidence and Projection                                  - 30%
·         Appearance and Audience Appeal                                                                             - 20%

5. Each participating school must bring 3 copies of the lyrics of the song on the contest day for the judges’ perusal.

6. Three (3) winners and three (3) honorable mentions will be picked and will be declared by the judging committee of the 2nd ASEAN Voice Competition. They will receive Certificates of Commendation for winning while the all the contestants and their coaches will receive Certificates of Participation.

For questions, please e-mail us at


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