ASEAN Quiz Show (Phitsanulok) General Mechanics


1. The first part is a 20-item paper test. The competing teams with three members will have 15 minutes to answer it. Both the score and the time used by the teams will affect their ranking. Only 10 teams will advance to the second part.


1. Each team will have 3 members and will compete as representatives of their school.
2. There will be three (3) rounds in this part of the competition as follows:

Ø  Round 1: True or False
-          The TRUE or FALSE round will have 10 questions. Each question will be given 1 point. Total score is 10 points.

Ø  Round 2: Multiple Choice
-          The Multiple Choice Round will have 10 questions. Each question will be given 1 point. Total score is 10 points.

Ø  Round 3: Fill-in-the-Blanks or Completion
-          The Fill-in-the-Blanks Round will have 10 questions. Each question will be given 2 points. Total score is 20 points.

3. The total points for this part is 40 points.

4. Each team will be given a white board, a marker, and an eraser to be used in answering in all the three rounds. Each team shall designate a white board writer. He/She will then show the answer to the judges.

5. For Round 1, the participants shall choose between TRUE or FALSE answer. For Round 2, they shall choose the LETTER of the correct answer. Each team will be given 10 seconds to write their answers for these rounds.

6. For Round 3, participants will be given 15 seconds to write down their answers on the white board. Answers should be written in full; no abbreviations or acronyms. Articles and prepositions should be correct. Wrong spelling is considered wrong.

7. Each question in Rounds 1 to 3 will be flashed on the big screen and will be read twice by the Quizmaster. After the second reading, the Quizmaster will then say “GO”. Only then the participants write their answer. When the time is up, the Quizmaster will say “MARKERS UP”. The team will then hold up their markers and white boards to show their answers. The Quizmaster will read aloud the answers of the teams. The scorers will record the answers accordingly. A cumulative score per team will be announced by the Quizmaster after each round before moving on to the next round.

8. The organizing committee shall provide technical assistance/clarifications when needed.

9. There will be two scoring systems to ensure the correctness of the tabulations: 1) manual scoring sheets and 2) tabulation board to be displayed for the reference of the participants, the Judging Committee, the coaches and other guests.

9. After the completion of the Round 3, the cumulative points earned by each team will be tabulated. When the results have been verified, it will be submitted to the Judging Committee for further verifications.

10. The Head of the Judging Committee will announce the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places respectively. In case of tie, scores will go back to zero. Tie breaker questions shall then be asked until the definite winners for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places emerge.

11. Should there be questions or complaints, the Head of the Judges will decide. His/Her decision is final.


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